Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tech-Tosterone? Really?

So, I came across an ad in the New York Times today that used the phrase “Tech-Tosterone.”


It was for E-Trade, and I have absolutely no idea what precisely was being advertised, but I about threw up. Maybe it is a creative little attention grabbing statement, but it is entirely male-centered. It screams “THIS PRODUCT IS FOR MEN.” But what is the product? Some online trading thing. I’m sure both women and men can use it, though I’m not interested enough in the product to find out.

But why is this appropriate? Why is this considered good advertising? Just because a company can come up with an edgy, “creative” phrase does not make it acceptable. It continues to perpetuate sexist advertising that dominates the media (watch just about any SuperBowl commercial). “Tech-tosterone” screams that technology is and is supposed to be dominated by men and by male sexuality. In a realm that has traditionally been dominated by men, it sends the wrong message. I can only assume women are not going to be drawn to “Tech-tosterone,” so it perpetuates the assumption that solely men are supposed to understand and use technology, which is (at least to some extent) the cutting-edge and the “future.” And that is why I find this ad both problematic, sexist, and disgusting.

1 comment:

  1. You should check out sociological images, it's a great blog that does a lot of stuff like this.


    Also, if you can find an online image or something of this advertisement, send it in! socimages@contexts.org
